Saturday, August 25, 2007

Movie and the blast.....

I went for Ratatouille, a movie I awaited for last 6 months, today. Saturday being a holiday for me, I did choose the 18:15 show, at city's best multiplex Prasadz. So, prepared for the movie, I started bit early from home, as the clouds where rumbling.. and grumbling. With my Dio, battling the rain, I went straight to the theaters.. well 1 hr in advance. Got, my web ticket exchanged with the actual ticket.... after having the corn (well a cup of corn costs Rs.35/-.. that's quite an amount) went in for the movie.
It started with a Pixar short film.. well... Pixar.. Apple always excites me.. you can say.. a die hard fan of both..
Ratatouille.. well.. one of the best animated movies I have ever watched. It's seemlessly perfect..
The show ended, at 20:00 hrs.. and as we were coming out.. the complex where filled up with all the Khaki men.. I mean the policemen. They looked serious, and asked us to vacate the place immediately.. as there was a bomb threat.. and the whole area was sealed off. People were rushing. I calmly walked out of the main hall went to the parking place with my girl, took my Dio, and was out in a flash. After I came out.. I found that there was a blast at Lumbini park. Well, the park is probably 300 mts from the complex. So,........ well. .. i came back home, switched on the TV and say.. there where 2 blasts in the city, one at Lumbini park and the other at Gokul Chat Bhandar (@ Koti).
So, a day with a wonderful movie and then blasts... I don't know what to say. I pray, this shouldn't happen again, anywhere in the world.

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