Monday, May 11, 2009

e-learning development Phase / Steps

  1. Analysis
  2. Design
    1. Course Design
    2. Look & Feel
    3. POC Development
    4. POC Review
    5. POC Update
    6. POC Validation
    7. POC Sign off
  3. Development
    1. Content Map
    2. Detailed Content Outline (DCO)
    3. Scripting
    4. Storyboarding
    5. Beta Development
      1. Media Creation
      2. XML Publishing
      3. Machine Audio Recording
      4. Template Development
      5. Product Integration
      6. Internal Review
      7. Product Update
      8. Validation
      9. QA Cycle
      10. Beta Release
    6. Beta Review Cycle with client
    7. Gold Cycle
      1. Audio Recording
      2. Product update
        1. Address media issues
        2. Address integration issues
        3. Integrate product with new audio
      3. Gold QA & Internal review Cycle
      4. Gold Release
    8. Gold validation / review cycle and sign off
  4. Deployment
    1. LMS Deployment
    2. User Creation
    3. User Assignment
    4. LMS Maintenance

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